vrijdag 30 december 2011

Stand tall!

This blogpost is gonna be about being tall. 
I'm a quite tall girl since I'm almost 6.2 ft (1.87 m).
That's quite tall especially for a girl.
I hate it. I hate being this tall.
Most people are shorter than me and tell me how beautiful being tall is.
But I'll tell you a different story. 
I'm a dutchie, dutch people are the tallest people in the world.
Even for dutch measures, I'm tall.
Which means, I'll seem even taller in other places in the world.
I'll never be able to wear heals without everyone looking, pointing and whispering. 
Normally I wouldn't care, but since even my boyfriend is a bit shorter than me, I'll never wear heals. 
I don't look cute, because I'm tall. 
People won't see me as a fragile little girl, because I'm tall. 
At least this is what I experience.

I'm bigger than most girls even though I'm quite thin.
This makes me feel really unconfortable in my skin. 
People expect me to be fine...
But just because I'm tall, doesn't mean I'm tough. 
I wanna be small and cute and fragile to.
I'm sick of being the tall tough girl, that everyone makes jokes about. 
Because she's tall, even taller than her boyfriend, taller than almost all of my friends, 
taller than most people in the world. 
And I know most models are pretty tall too!
But I'm too tall and too fat and too ugly to even be a model.
Most clothes don't even fit me. 
Cause me legs are too long or my whole body is measured differently.
So quit it, that doesn't make me feel beautiful at all.
That doesn't confort me at all.
I wanna wear heals without everyone looking and talking.
I wanna be beautiful too. 

Now I know this is whiny blogpost.
But this is what I experience as a tall person, most people don't really understand.
And of course, there are some advantages for being tall too.
But still, for me they don't weigh up to the disadvantages. 
On the other side: the grass always seems greener on the other side of the road.
So some advantages: 
I can reach almost everything. 
I can see everything, cause I can look over other peoples heads. 
My body really is tougher than a little girls body.
I won't go unnoticed.

That's all I could come up with right now.
Are you tall or are you smaal?
Do you like it?
Tell me your story!  

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