zondag 25 december 2011

Starting somewhere!

So I decided I'm going to blog. This time for real, if I like it of course.
There are so many things in my head that need to get out, even positive things. And yes that's special because I'm an extremely pessimistic person. Sometimes I have a very strong opinion on things, sometimes I just don't know and I'm most likely to go with someone else's choice.
Since I have no idea what I wanna do in the future, I'm really afraid of what may happen next.
'Cause I'm the type of person to never finish anything. Life kills.
Something I want to let you guys know is that I do use weheartit as a source for the images I use. I know it's not a very good source and I will work on something better, but for now it's my best source.
I do have a tumblr, a twitter and a facebook. I guess I'm such a socialmedia whore.
This was just my welcoming post, I hope you will enjoy my blog
~ xoxo Laeh

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